
Things I do:make things

Things I've done:


    What I did

    • Researched new navigation technology
    • Built a novel proof of concept for AR indoor navigation
    • Pitched to customers, resulting in concrete leads for cloud

    What I learned

    • C# + Unity
    • How to engineer augmented reality experiences
    • How to innovate
    • How to sell

    Customer Engineer Intern, Cloud

    November 2021 to February 2022

    Deloitte Digital

    What I did

    • React/typescript front end development
    • Studied company culture
    • Picked clever brains

    What I learned

    • Typescript
    • Big team git systems
    • Microsoft Azure
    • What it's like to work at a huge company

    Summer vacationer, front end development

    January to February, 2021

    Node Phone

    What I did

    • Programmed the phone functionality from scratch (Python, Node JS)
    • Assembled and configured hardware (Raspberry Pi, 4G module, touch screen)
    • Designed and built out a slick front-end (React JS)

    What I learned

    • Linux programming: network interfaces, device drivers, serial communication
    • Socket programming
    • AT commands

    I built a working mobile phone

    COVID lockdown project


    What I did

    • Alpha signal research for hedge funds
    • Applied machine learning to finance
    • Developed natural language processing microservices

    What I learned

    • The value of data
    • Applied quantitative finance
    • How to hire people and scale a new business

    Quantitative Researcher

    Since July 2020

    Love + Money Agency

    What I did

    • Build beautiful websites
    • Learned how to design
    • Liased with clients

    What I learned

    • React
    • Gatsby + JAMstack + Netlify
    • Figma

    Freelance developer + design intern

    March to December, 2020

    Monash FAST

    What I did

    • Designed and developed internal tools
    • Pitched and presented
    • Maintained and iterated

    What I learned

    • SSH/Linux
    • SQL databases
    • PHP

    Project support, backend development

    September 2018 to July 2020

    Love Bot City

    What I did

    • Travelled to Monash University's Prato, Italy Centre
    • Studied the history of innovation, creativity, and technology
    • Built the coolest thing I've made yet

    What I learned

    • Webpack
    • Node.js
    • Generative art through programming

    Love Bot City – Creative Computing, Prato, Italy

    July 2019


    What I did

    • Participated in MSDI's Leave No One Behind program
    • Investigated social issues faced by international students
    • Took out the people's choice award with my teams project, Monitor189

    What I learned

    • How to uncover root problems
    • How to design, build and pitch a solution
    • How startups get things done
    • How to build a full-stack web app

    Monitor189 – Leave No One Behind program

    July to September, 2019

    Robot House Fun-House

    What I did

    • Built a virtual pitch for our new band, Robot House Time Travel Music
    • Send it out to some bookers
    • Played some great gigs

    What I learned

    • Making 3D models with Blender
    • 3D for the web with three.js
    • How important it is to do things differently

    Band project – Robot House Fun-House

    August, 2019